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Project Description

While at ORA, Kate Cudney was the co-leader and project designer with fellow Architect Tom Mulica on this pro-bono project in Kenya. Done in conjunction with Architects Without Borders, Cudney and Mulica worked with a local Seattle-based non-profit and directly with the village elders in a visit to Kenya to design this vocational school and community center. The center strives to combat HIV/AIDS by engaging the youth of the community in economic development projects and vocational training. The Center includes classrooms, a computer lab, commercial cafe and teaching kitchen, retail store and administrative offices. The design provides a prototype for low impact adaptive development. The structure is designed without interior structural walls allowing maximum flexibility and allowing for expansion over time. The project incorporates green technology such as passive heating and cooling, solar voltaic panels, and rainwater harvesting. The use of locally made compressed earth bricks utilizes local expertise and building technologies and limits local deforestation.

Project Details

Location: Kenya, Africa


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